The recipe for strong teams: A taste of Support’s memorable team-building events

Organizing a team building can be a pretty straightforward task. You call up the local paintball spot, cover the expenses, and let your team settle the score with paint guns in their hands.

It may not be an option that fits everyone, but it turns out to be the best “already prepared” event that your team could find. While it can be quite a bit of fun, depending on your team, it may not be everyone’s cup of tea. 

This brings up a question – How do you create a team building that floats everyone’s boat? Considering that FishingBooker’s Support Team has a long history of team building that made others in the company say: “I wish I was there!” you might find our approach interesting.

Don’t book events, create your own!

No single person is exactly alike in a team, especially bigger ones. Every team member has their own unique hobby, interest or talent. By identifying these passions, you have a better chance of constructing an event that can truly inspire people to engage and express themselves.

Looking at FishingBooker’s Support Team, we have people who enjoy painting, photography, cooking, baking, and the list goes on and on. So, we already have a solid idea of what we could do on the team building, but how do we spice it up?

With competition, of course! Every Support Team Supervisor has their own direct reports, so it’s a battle of the minds, brushes and dough to see who’s group can come out on top. Truthfully though, it sounds a bit more extreme than in reality. The purpose of competition is to add a nice little extra touch to the festivities. 

So, with all of this talk about hobbies, talents and interests, we booked a beautiful house with a lakeside view. For the first part of our stay, we sparked up a sort of rustic, old-school vibe where the gentle strings of bossa nova transported us into 19th-century Portugal. We just had to ignore the 10 laptops that were scattered across the house.

Expression sets the mood for conversation

Did you know that Anabelle from the Support Team went to art school? Well, now you do! This was also an opportunity for her team members to learn this fact about her. By having events and activities tailored to your team specifically, you open up opportunities for conversations to occur that might never happen in the office.

Painting wasn’t the only activity that showcased a different edge for Support team members. Niko also showed off some impressive cooking skills as he tackled the task of making some homemade ravioli, where his background in catering shined like a bright star.

Mouth already watering? Read on for more dishes that came freshly plated from the Support Team’s kitchen!

Unique and usable merch creates long-lasting memories

When you hear the word merch, you probably just imagine a white T-shirt with a company logo on it. That’s not how we do things at FishingBooker’s Support Team! 

To make this team building one to remember, we also created custom-made aprons whos design incorporates:

  • Our three main activities – painting, making ravioli, and making pizza
  • Fishing – what our company does
  • A cheeky but light-hearted attitude that flows through our team

It’s not just about making the design unique though. You should also aim for it to be visually appealing and something your team members would probably wear regardless of the occassion. If you can make the merch fit the occassion, add a sprinkle of fun on top of the design, then you’re guaranteed to have a long-lasting memory of your team building experience!

Why rush when you can take it easy?

Ultimately, it’s all about winding down and having some time to relax with your colleagues. That’s why you shouldn’t try to cram everything into a single day, and preferably find a soothing spot somewhere in nature.

Our approach was to rent out a house for two nights, which gave us more than enough time to make the ravioli, pizza and do some painting along with just relaxing and talking. Any type of activity automatically gets an enjoyment boost when done in nature – Just take a look at what Maria had going on her canvas.

A two night-stay really gives your team all of the breathing room needed to actually participate and enjoy the activities. Team building should be a care-free experience, and all of the effort put into thinking up the activities could go to waste if people are just way too tired to do everything in one day.

The bottom line

At the end of the day, you should provide team members with the opportunity to connect. By creating custom tailored activities, you’re creating an environment that allows everyone to express a non-work related side of themselves.

Add on top of that enough time to relax and enjoy the fruits (pizzas) of everyone’s labor, and you have the perfect recipe for a memorable experience.

We’re not trying to say you should copy us if your team isn’t into cooking or painting. But hey – take a look at Niko and tell us it isn’t the perfect combination.

Would like to join the Support team? Have a look at the position requirements and express your interest by clicking here.


Šta je Shape Up metodologija

U prvim danima FishingBookera nije bilo zvanične metodologije kojom smo pristupali razvoju proizvoda. Seli bismo, dogovorili bismo se na kojim funkcionalnostima treba da se radi i onda ih napravimo. Bez ikakvih rokova. Bez code reviewa. Bez automatskog testiranja. Delovi proizvoda su se razvijali brzo, ali zbog manjka vremena utrošenog na istraživanje, često su i standardni slučajevi (golden path) bagovali, a da ne pričamo o ivičnim. 

U to vreme, programer je bio i programer i produkt menadžer i QA i samo se čekala eskalacija. Prvi programerski ustanak se desio 2017. godine i tada je između ostalog usvojena i Shape Up metodologija kao način upravljanja proizvodom.

Ovim tekstom želimo da približimo Shape Up metodologiju pre svega inženjerima i produkt menadžerima. 

Ideja nam je da uputimo potencijalne nove kolege u to kako radimo i šta mogu da očekuju ako nam se pridruže.

Imamo proces koji prilično dobro radi, ponosni smo na to i nadamo se da će vas to dodatno zainteresovati da se i sami oprobate u Shape Upu, ili priključite FishingBookeru. 

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Dve nedelje u Americi: utisci Product, Engineering i BizDev timova

US Trip 2022

Petnaest članova Business Development i Product timova otputovali su u USA na petnaeast dana. Zašto baš ovi timovi i što baš tamo? BizDev kao prvi naš glas koji kapetan čuje i Product kao tvorci feature-a koji im čini posao lakšim, su ključni za dolazak i uspešnost FishingBooker kapetana i mušterija koje pecaju sa njima. Cilj im je bio da bolje upoznaju korisnike i njihove potrebe, kao i glavna tržišta na kojima FishingBooker posluje.

Zaključaka i utisaka je bilo dosta, ali najbolje je da ti to ispračaju oni sami. 

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Iz ugla Lead inženjerke: Stvaranje mobilne aplikacije za korisnike od nule

Već godinama su telefoni predominantni uređaji za online kupovinu, pretrage, upotrebu softvera i gotovo svega što vam padne na pamet. Za razliku od aplikacije za kapetane (partnere) koju smo razvili još 2017, iskustvo pretrage i bukiranja pecanja je ostalo na web-u. Logičan nastavak je bio da razvijemo mobilnu aplikaciju. Naravno, da stvari budu zanimljivije, nismo imali nijednog senior React Native inženjera da se pozabavi ovom problematikom, te smo se oslonili na staru dobru fleksibilnost. U nastavku Olga priča kako je to sve izgledalo iz Lead Engineer ugla.

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Koja je veza između salpe i biznisa?

Ili: O transparentnosti kao suštini

O transparentnosti se već godinama priča na stranim IT tržištima, u svim slojevima poslovanja, na mikro i makro nivou, eksterno i interno. Reč je gotovo isključivo o transparentnosti kao pozitivnom konceptu. Ako neko želi da se predstavi kao dobra kompanija, samo je potrebno da kaže da je transparentan. “Samo”. Ostaje upitno da li to zaista i jeste?

Tako u poslednjih nekoliko meseci svi krećemo masovno da upotrebljavamo tu reč, transparentost odjednom postaje neizbežan sastojak u svim employer branding strategijama, a nije sigurno koliko nas zapravo razume njenu suštinu i koliko nas primenjuje transparentnost kao ključni model poslovanja.   

Mi (kao društvo), kao i u većini slučajeva, uhvatimo se za jedan ili dva segmenta, koji često nisu od suštinskog značaja. Tako u kontekstu transparentnosti u našem narativu dominira jedna reč – plata, i jedan koncept – objavljivanje metrika poslovanja. 

Ne želimo da pišemo kako smo mi naj i začetnici transparentnosti u Srbiji, nego da potvrdimo da je koncept transparentnost dobar kao model poslovanja i da podstaknemo druge da ga implementiraju. I opet, ne prema našem modelu, nego osluškujući svoj ekosistem.  

Continue reading Koja je veza između salpe i biznisa?

Razvoj Karijere — Iz Četiri Zida do Team Leada

A man and a woman sitting on a boat on a sunny

Kada govorimo o tome šta je magnet koji zadržava zaposlene u kompaniji, na pamet prvo padaju vrhunska plata, odličan tim i izazovni projekti. Uglavnom se kao bitni faktori pridodaju i menadžment koji ima viziju, stabilnost kompanije, savremene tehnologije i atraktivni benefiti.

Ono što često nije dovoljno u fokusu je karijerni razvoj u kompaniji. U FishingBooker-u smatramo da je on podjednako bitan aspekt koji jedna kompanija treba da pruži. Jasna trajektorija po kojoj zaposleni može da se kreće i razvija je u direktnoj korelaciji sa njegovim zadovoljstvom — samim tim i sa vremenom koje će provesti u firmi. 

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Čedo, porodični čovek i Lead Engineer u FishingBooker-u

Menjanje posla je jedan od stresnijih događaja u životu, pogotovo ako imate malo dete kod kuće i prelazite u firmu koja postoji svega nekoliko godina. Tada, kao senior inženjer i novopečeni tata, napustio sam stabilnu i uspešnu firmu i pridružio se mladim ljudima sa vizijom i željom da zajedno rastemo. Danas, sa gotovo 10 puta većim timom i 25 puta većim prihodima, FishingBooker je izrastao u mesto koje je prevazišlo sva moja očekivanja.

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“Time Flies, Don’t Have Saggy Eyes”: A Unique Day in the Life of Our Legal Team Lead

Want to know how a high-flying team lead makes sure he’s on top of his game every day? We’ve got you covered. Uroš Marić, head of FishingBooker’s Legal department, has decided to let us in on all of his secrets – tongue firmly in cheek, of course. Read on to discover his unique perspective on cold spoons, hot showers, and early starts…

I wake up at 04:00 A.M. and immediately turn on Basecamp, our internal communications system. It’s extremely important to me to be the first person to post something every day.

A Basecamp post from Uros at 4.16 a.m.
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How We Stayed Afloat During COVID-19

There’s no point in sugarcoating it – when it comes to bad years, 2020 was right up there with some of the worst of them. Health, relationships, jobs – none of these were safe from the COVID-19 pandemic. Life as we knew it was completely transformed, and most of us at FishingBooker are still reeling from it. 

A screenshot of a FishingBooker zoom meeting showing teammates

The travel and tourism sector can be pretty fickle anyway, and the fishing charter industry often involves weathering both metaphorical and literal storms. Our bread and butter is providing customers with memorable angling adventures – but who’s booking a fishing trip in the middle of a global pandemic? With hindsight, it was obvious that our business would take a huge hit.

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Identity, Stability, Lifestyle: Why FishingBooker’s Diaspora Decided to Stay

FishingBooker Recruiter Vedrana Gnjatić knows there’s one question she’ll never be able to avoid when she tells people that she relocated from Australia back to the Balkans: “But why?!”

“Serbians who were born and raised here, and haven’t lived elsewhere, automatically know that I’m not ‘one of them,’ even though I speak the language and was raised with plenty of Balkan culture in my household,” she says. “People have reacted in all sorts of ways – from slight confusion to straight-up asking what’s wrong with me for coming back!”

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