The Recipe For Strong Teams: A Taste of Support’s Memorable Team – building Events

Organizing a team building can be a pretty straightforward task. You call up the local paintball spot, cover the expenses, and let your team settle the score with paint guns in their hands.

It may not be an option that fits everyone, but it turns out to be the best “already prepared” event that your team could find. While it can be quite a bit of fun, depending on your team, it may not be everyone’s cup of tea. 

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Razvoj Karijere — Iz Četiri Zida do Team Leada

A man and a woman sitting on a boat on a sunny

Kada govorimo o tome šta je magnet koji zadržava zaposlene u kompaniji, na pamet prvo padaju vrhunska plata, odličan tim i izazovni projekti. Uglavnom se kao bitni faktori pridodaju i menadžment koji ima viziju, stabilnost kompanije, savremene tehnologije i atraktivni benefiti.

Ono što često nije dovoljno u fokusu je karijerni razvoj u kompaniji. U FishingBooker-u smatramo da je on podjednako bitan aspekt koji jedna kompanija treba da pruži. Jasna trajektorija po kojoj zaposleni može da se kreće i razvija je u direktnoj korelaciji sa njegovim zadovoljstvom — samim tim i sa vremenom koje će provesti u firmi. 

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Čedo, porodični čovek i Lead Engineer u FishingBooker-u

Menjanje posla je jedan od stresnijih događaja u životu, pogotovo ako imate malo dete kod kuće i prelazite u firmu koja postoji svega nekoliko godina. Tada, kao senior inženjer i novopečeni tata, napustio sam stabilnu i uspešnu firmu i pridružio se mladim ljudima sa vizijom i željom da zajedno rastemo. Danas, sa gotovo 10 puta većim timom i 25 puta većim prihodima, FishingBooker je izrastao u mesto koje je prevazišlo sva moja očekivanja.

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Identity, Stability, Lifestyle: Why FishingBooker’s Diaspora Decided to Stay

FishingBooker Recruiter Vedrana Gnjatić knows there’s one question she’ll never be able to avoid when she tells people that she relocated from Australia back to the Balkans: “But why?!”

“Serbians who were born and raised here, and haven’t lived elsewhere, automatically know that I’m not ‘one of them,’ even though I speak the language and was raised with plenty of Balkan culture in my household,” she says. “People have reacted in all sorts of ways – from slight confusion to straight-up asking what’s wrong with me for coming back!”

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Debugging Gender Stereotypes – FishingBooker’s Female Coders

Walk the corridors of FishingBooker’s offices, and one thing you’ll notice is the mixture of people around you. We base our operations in Serbia, and our employees come from as far afield as Russia, Peru, Australia, just to name a few.

When it comes to the distribution of men and women, it can look like some departments are even intentionally counteracting the “typical” gender balance for that field. Nowhere more so than in the Engineering Team.

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Things I Never Thought I’d Learn from Living in Belgrade

Moving from a small, relatively-unknown town in the middle of England to a small, relatively-unknown country in the middle of Southeast Europe wasn’t something that I ever thought I’d end up doing. I also never thought I’d end up working as a Partner Content Specialist for the world’s largest online platform for booking fishing trips (“the AirBnB of fishing!”, I still often tell my bemused dad). 

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Young Expats Are Kicking Off Their Careers in Successful Serbian Startups

Belgrade has long been known for its friendly people, pastry shops, varied architecture, and nightlife. In the nineties, its reputation suffered; but during the last century, the city has reinvented itself, casting away its status as a failing, former communist capital and becoming one of the region’s most significant cultural and economic hubs.

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“I’m Sold” – The Story of a Serbian Engineer’s Journey to Head of Sales at FishingBooker

It’s just over a year since Steve Koncar joined FishingBooker – a startup that, true to its name, books fishing trips all across the globe. Over that time, he has helped the company double the number of partner captains on the website. At the same time, he is constantly looking out for new areas of growth.

I manage to briefly tear Steve away from his phone and he tells me about the job that gets him doing business with passionate fishermen everywhere from Fiji to California.

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From Oxford To Belgrade: How I Landed My Perfect Job Where I Least Expected It

When I tell people in the UK that I’m living in Serbia, their reaction is usually fairly predictable. It ranges from the mystified “is that in Russia?” to the concerned “is there still a war on?” to the downright dismissive “my husband drove through there on the way back from Greece. He said it was awful”.

When I tell Serbs I am working here, they are often equally disgruntled. Like many countries in South and Central Europe, Serbia has a serious problem with unemployment. This has resulted in a brain drain of some of the country’s most ambitious young people, who are fed up with the clunky bureaucracy and nepotism that is rife in most of the country’s largest companies and go abroad to look for brighter opportunities elsewhere. This means the idea of a foreigner coming to Belgrade from the safe haven of Oxford University can take some getting used to. It just isn’t usually done.

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